Hi Moe, I’m working my way through your writing after a friend shared one post NY. I can’t see the part 2 of this - was there one with a different title? I’m unschooling my two wildlings in the Northern Rivers and interested to hear more on where you’re at on that journey - Kelly

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Hi Kelly!

Thanks so much for reminded me of this - there isn't a part two yet but I'll take this as an opportunity to prioritise it this year.

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Incredibly written. Absolutely resonate with every word! Thank you for sharing

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Yeah you sum it up really well. At my school I was even given a number, and they never called me by my first name. We were ruled by fear, and the whole thing seems to be an obedience and entitlement program. What fascinates me is why some individuals simply don't buy into it - I was one of these, I sort of turned up on the shores of adulthood like a shipwrecked passenger with amnesia. I knew bad things had happened to me at school and just wanted rid of it. I realised I had to unlearn what I had learned in order to progress toward a meaningful life, and later I had to address and resolve the significant trauma i experienced over a 14 year period. It is startling to hear that nothing much has changed, and yet of course I am not surprised at all - it takes courage to free yourself from a mind prison you don't quite know exists. It's like the opening scene of the Matrix movie; you have to follow the signs at first until eventually you become objectively aware that you are indeed in a prison of the mind and only you can get yourself out. As a consequence of my experience, I naturally think from time to time about how what we call 'schooling' would be in a radically free world - we would probably need to call it something else. In essence I think the new approach must embrace the true feminine principle, because the existing system is masculine dominant from a metaphysical perspective. I think many of the solutions can emerge just by cultivating an equal proportion of the feminine into those all important formative years. What I mostly see in the world right now is a facsimile of the feminine such as enforced inclusivity, and a contrived ideological sympathy for the victim etc. I think the new learning environments will have to be pioneering projects, and thus it would be helpful if there were many independent projects trying out new ways and then learning from each other.

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And the above reasons are why my kids will be homeschooled. Thank you for sharing your story, it is hugely appreciated! I've worked in the education system for over 10 years now in various ways but one thing that does give me hope is that young people are starting to wise up to the game as capitalism reaches its latter stages. Hopefully they won't be too doped up on drip fed dopamine from their devices to catalyse the change they are in a strong position to.

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When I used to live in Australia some friends there had just sent their son to the local school, but noticed within days how toxic he became; he was angry, impetuous, stroppy etc. I remember being in discussion with them; they were trying to decide what to do, and were considering a Steiner School- it meant more money and and 2 hours travel everyday. They decided to make the sacrifice and moral investment and send him there; he changed back to a loving sensitive little boy overnight. He loved it there. I loved that he would have the same form teacher for 8 years, and that he had a chance to make a solid relationship with his teacher. He used to come home with knitting homework; just little things like knitting an animal friend, stuff like that, and as soon as i saw it, it felt so right, and clever really because it was creative but also integrative. Steiner Schools offer a much more balanced experience, a stark contrast to the indoctrination program. We need a lot more learning options because I'm not sure all souls incarnate the same. I also notice the brilliant mind of Daniel Schmachtenburger is the result of homeschooling.

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