
Thank you for this comment, I really do live for conversations like this. Ones that leave me twisting in the breeze...

I think it may be useful to give you a bit of a look at some of the watering holes my being swims in. I am deeply in to animism, shamanism and magic and for me there is a world we cannot see which is JUST as alive, if not moreso than the one we can observe with our eyes.

I believe we are intricately connected and interdependent with animals, plants, ancestry, and if you have read some of my previous newsletters you'll know I've written a bit about my personal concept of kinship extending far beyond our immediate family. Speak to any aboriginal elder and they will tell you what the energy of stone is like, or stories they have heard from the river. Any shaman will tell you in great detail about conversations with otherworldly beings, entities and spirit animals.

During my own shamanic training, I had an experience where I journeyed to other realms guided by a shamanic teacher. Up to that point I had been quite skeptical. However, during this "spirit journey," my skepticism was challenged when the teacher described what was happening in my experience in perfect detail.

It left me in pure disbelief because there was no logical way for him to know what I was going through unless he had been present with me on that spirit journey. It completely shattered my world view as in that moment I could have just been imagining the whole experience (yes I do have a wild imagination) but to have the experience confirmed by someone else in granular detail simply stunned me.

Which has left me believing without a doubt that:

1) There is a world that exists alongside our material reality

2) This world is alive and sentient just as much, if not more than the world we can perceive with our present sensemaking

3) With the right training anyone can access these states and spaces

I understand that to a lot of people these are WILD beliefs to have and to be honest it is really hard to comprehend let along explain. Josh Schrei's the Emerald podcast does a much better job of doing this than I ever can. But I digress, these experiences utterly defy logic in the current paradigm we hold it. Now try to explain this to a Psychologist - which Bayo Akomelefe describes as the "cops of Capitalism" and I'll be half way to mental institute before I can put down my ceremonial grade cacao hahaaha (though this is changing with emerging psychology branches such as IFS and Transpersonal which acknowledge the concept of the soul)

This is super problematic, which lends further to my overarching point which is: is our culture just doesn't have the ability to come to grips with the workings of the spirit world our concept of the soul with collapsing in to logical conclusions. There is no talk of soul in the classrooms, Gods have been banished from the mainstream and in general they just seem impossible — absurd — for those acculturated in the post-industrial society and reductive empiricism of the West.

It's also important to note that if we zoom out, 99.9% of people across 99.9% of time would NOT have struggled to come to grips with these ideas - and WE are the outliers here in the grand scheme of things. These are people who haven't had to deal with the modern perils of social media, addiction, "making a name" for themselves, but lived in close and reciprocal proximity with the land without the distractions of modernity.

This doesn't mean logic and reason are redundant - I think they have a really important role to play in a healthy and functioning individual as well as society but upholding it as the only way of understanding the world leads to dangerous consequences. Currently our western secular paradigm holds knowledge of the psyche at about 99%, and I am advocating for just a bit more balance.

One of the things I would've love to have explored more is that all ways of knowing play crucial roles, one cannot exist without the other. It's not a zero sum game but they are all as vital as each other. I believe in time we will rationally be able to explain the concept of soul and spirit, our use our soul to enhance our psychological abilities and so on. However, as you also pointed out, there are numerous directions we could explore, and each could warrant days of discussion and exploration haha.

If you want to explore these concepts a bit further - i'd HIGHLY recommend the Emerald. Calling it a podcast is honestly a disservice, this is such a powerful transmission and transcends the idea of "content' itself


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Awesome dude, and thanks for letting me in on your experiences - I have more questions about them that I’ll save for in person!

Perhaps worth mentioning that despite my pandering to science and rationalism in my comment, I’ve had many mind/heart-altering experiences that did not fit with the usual paradigm of ’science’ and ‘rationalism’ too - I find the idea of meaning-making from such experiences a pretty interesting topic too - e.g., would my world-view have also shattered if I’d had your specific shamanic experience(s)?

Your beliefs about a world existing outside/alongside our material reality don’t actually seem ‘wild’ to me - I actually think it’s more than reasonable to assume that information coming through the 5/6 senses does not represent the totality of reality (in fact, I think it’s UNREASONABLE to assume they DO represent the totality - and I’m a psychologist haha!). I do think that there’s quite a big difference between someone in a state of psychosis walking through the door claiming that they are tapping into alternate realities versus someone claiming to have experienced what you have, though.

I think your advocacy for more balance between psyche and the other forms of knowledge is absolutely irrefutable - jack me and everyone else up on the spirit and I think we’re in for a good time, but I do wonder whether that necessitates belief in something well beyond the scope of current paradigms of thinking or science itself. There’s nothing to say that your shamanic experience need operate outside the purview of science, right? Assimilation there should be possible I would think.

Much love x

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I saw a quote once “we can’t think outside the box when the thinking is the box”. We can feel. Feel that sentiment aligns and a summarisation of sorts. I’d like to add we can’t think but we can FEEL. I feel feeling bridge the gap between conscious and unconscious conscious. Or aware and unaware. My experience of feelings is they are the thread that connects through all altered states where it be dream to powerful psychedelic experiences where we may loose touch with our ‘waking consciousness’ we don’t loose touch with feeling. Currently exploring the theme of somatic trust through a year long arts based research process so this feels so aligned. Thanks for sharing your perspectives, journey and insights Moe ❤️‍🔥

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Wow Moe, i love your wording and I can't wait to read your first book. So elaborate and casual at the same time. I've read this piece a few times now and i'll probably read it again because there is so much to unpack here.

To share a bit of my personal experience and the questions it led me to. For the first 19 years of my life I've been heavily indoctrinated with the rational/scientific paradigm through elitist education, family members and the general predominantculture in Germany and the western world at this time. Though I've always had this inner knowing that there is a lot more to this life and a lot of wisdom to be found in the places we aren't shown, so I spent the last seven years unlearning and dismantling the concepts and ideas I've been taught and deeply exploring and connecting to the other 3 domains of Soul, Spirit and Soma, to the point that my way of knowing and operating in this world now almost purely stems from the last 3, pretty much neglecting rational thinking. Which brings me to my question; how do we integrate all 4 parts in a balanced manner?

Maybe a good topic for another article as I believe your response would probably go beyond the scope of a commentary


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Thank you for your beautiful words as always Tash! You fill me with so much inspiration to keep continuing to put my thoughts and feelings out there.

We will go in to a deep dive on how to cultivate soul knowing a little more at the end of the month. But I offered a brief practice at the beginning of each subheading under "practice".

One of the things I am trying to improve on is to shorten my writing which is currently my biggest challenge! Hence the book hehe

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Awesome article and conversation Moe!

I’m having more and more experiences lately that are beautifully affirming the connectedness of all, especially when in nature, it’s like a beautiful dance and I’m so appreciating deepening in relationship with nature, plants, animals and birds and all the mystical ways they weave in. I had my movement practice with a wedge tailed eagle this morning! Inviting me to spread my wings✨ so special!

I’m also a huge fan of the emerald podcast, love love love it!

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"In the same way an acorn contains the coding within it to become a tree, our Soul holds the blueprint for our unique essence." 

Its like you managed to sum up a lot of my thoughts of the last 20 years, of the little discoveries i've made throughout my life, to see them so clearly written down, is a nod that i must be on the right path.... even though...

"Looking back on my life I’ve been spiritually bitchslapped many, many times."

I've def just had one of those life shaking moments to steer me back to my path, and reading this article has just given me that gentle shove that I needed.

Whilst i sit here alone, contemplating my vision quest, and looking for signs to guide me... i know aligning my soma, spirit and soul and trusting that even though i may be suffering now, "Smooth seas never made a skilful sailor.!"

:) x

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Thankyou for the 'podcast' I look forward to listening in.

I have been practicing IFS for about a year now, and found it a profound experience in connecting with the body as well as the psyche.

Through plant medicinal ceremonies I have also connected with the spirit of the land, which also impacted me on a deep level.

What I would love to do is be able to find a balance between all 4 parts :) and be able to regulate each of them, as they come to me in different spurts.

I also particularly resonated with witnessing a irregulated integration of parts (living in Byron you have seen the creepy tantric yogi, or 5d goddess unable to be around low vibes etc) I see also in society around me, and can reflect on my own journey as well.

So overall, I could also talk for hours in these subjects but I will leave it on a note for an appreciation for this article.

Thankyou for sharing your experiences and insight.

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Thank you Des I am so happy to hear this has been landing for you. Have you checked out the Emerald yet? A MUST listen

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Loving it!

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Palya, Bugelbeh 🙏🏼 been reading this a little at a time for a while now and have been enjoying the slow, steady submersion… deeply appreciate and particularly resonate whole heartedly with the way you expressed the underbelly of Spirit… the transcendence obsessed aspect of the new cage movement has been wreaking such havoc on our collective ability to walk in community and just generally be the deeply feeling humans we are in our blue print…

I also felt your words on Nature… Country, palpably. It’s all connected, the bypassing, the ecocide…

This soul accelerator space has been very non- linear and at times slow to tune in with for me, but the harvest is bountiful so far - feeling the activation and renewal of my habits strongly, particularly as we head into solstice full moon. I can see the effects of this space you're holding in my life as I amalgamate the offerings into my walk… Appreciate the gift, brother x x

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My eyes are opening to things they've been blinded by for a very long time. Here for it, thanks for naming it so articulately!

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I'm so happy to be alongside you on the journey of your phoenix rising!

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Thank you for this Moe.

Loved the framing of the 4 elements & practices to connect to them. And the call for balance (as I interpreted it)- to be open minded but retain the ability to critically appraise.

Also the phrase 'smooth seas never made a skilful sailor' <3

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Wow Moe, thank you so much for sharing so much wisdom with us. The complexity of the reading and of your writing is really impressive, and very informative. It has left a deep impact on me and left a feeling of connectedness of all, and the meaning behind our behaviours and ways of freeing our souls. If is very inspiring not though only the content but also through the great art of creative writing that you show. I appreciate you brother

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"If you want to face reality, become comfortable with uncertainty and avoid the traps of simplistic and totalising explanations." This line and "smooth seas never made a skillful sailor" really stood out for when reading this piece. I've been focusing a lot on this realm of knowing over the past year and it has changed my perspective in so many ways.

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Some gold in here Moe! A few nuggets that spoke to me:

“The world we see is the myth we are in.” - A reminder that our perception of reality is unique, and often skewed.

"Getting stuck in the feels leads to self-indulgence or an avoidance of confronting challenging issues and adversity." - This one helped me better understand instances where I fall into bad habits and how I could better direct emotional energy.

"In moments of turmoil and uncertainty, seeking refuge in the bosom of Mother Nature provides the perfect sanctuary for the weary Soul." - Just a good reminder that engaging with the natural world will always balance us out.

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Well done Moe, this flowed so smoothly and deeply. I wish I could pick out 1 thing that landed for me but there were many, if not the majority. There’s a few areas I do need to re-read to make sure I really understand. Thank you! X

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No worries Klara thanks so much for your thoughts. Any thing I can clear up just message me directly or ask here!

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Really felt in alignment with this and it articulates beautifully what I have experienced and felt. Life feels soul-less when I spend too much time in the physical realm, when all of my energy is spent in day-to-day routines and the stories of the mind. It’s easy to slip into unhealthy escapism when things become one-dimensional.

I’ve always felt so nourished and full after a music festival or sitting in nature with a plant medicine. There’s a feeling of remembering that deeply comforts me and a sense that everything is in its right place. Love this!

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Yes Moe, love this.

"The mass epidemic of addiction we see today then becomes a logical response to a real unmet hunger for somatic, spiritual and soul-level nourishment." - I found this really resonant. So much of our disconnect and disease and poor habbits are symptoms of over reliance on intellectual and scientific explinations that blind us from the beauty and magic all around us!

Also loved this: "Rooted in the principles of interconnectedness and interdependence, the Soul honours our profound relationship with the natural world." - I feel deeply connected to understanding the more relational aspects of this existance. The blury edges of our unity and oneness, juxtaposed with our 'seperation' as individual beings. Lil apertures of the same conciousness experiencing itself...

"In moments of turmoil and uncertainty, seeking refuge in the bosom of Mother Nature provides the perfect sanctuary for the weary Soul." - Going outside immediately to lay chest to mother earth and connect. In need of some mothers nurturing :) Soul is indeed a little weary in this moment.

Thanks again brother! Lovely words to stoke some contemplation this weekend <3

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Love it Moe! A really grounded and realistic approach to understanding and exploring these ideas.

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